Wesley Chapel Methodist Church

About Wesley Chapel

 237 Whipkey Dam Road, Rockwood, PA   15557

Do all the good you can, In all the ways you can, In all the places you can, At all the times you can, To all the people you can, As long as you can. -John Wesley

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Welcome to our conference’s new name! No longer the Western PA Conference, we are now part of three areas combined into one—the entirety of the State of Ohio and the Western Pennsylvania Conference. The logo at the top symbolizes those three areas under the Global Methodist Church. This is a movement of like-minded, warm-hearted, Spirit filled, Jesus-loving, evangelical, orthodox Wesleyan Christians committed to spreading scriptural holiness and offering the Gospel to the world.

 The provisional conference was held on October 12—14 at the Reynoldsburg Community Church. Pastors with one lay delegate were invited to come to enact the legislation of the conference. Wesley Chapel is now part of the Somerset/Bedford Circuit under the guidance of Doug Burns, our presiding elder. The theme of the conference was “Becoming One”, and as three former conferences, we had a three-day inspirational event with Holy Spirit guided worship, vision casting, healing and sound instruction in Biblical teaching. I encourage everyone to go to the conference’s new website at https://alleghenywestgmc.org/ to read and examine the tenets of our faith. Imagine an annual conference with no pronoun issues, social justice pleas and no “safe zones”….just worshiping and getting back to the basics of Methodism as John and Charles Wesley envisioned for our faith.

 There was reason to celebrate as over 150 clergy were ordained. This is likely the largest ordination in the history of American Methodism and the result of a long journey for many pastors and lay persons. More information will be forthcoming as this provisional conference still has some “heart work” to do. Below are people entering worship and the many ordinands who will be ordained the next day. -Written by Linda Henry with excerpts taken from https://alleghenywestgmc.org/

Invite and lead people to enter into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, nurture them in their faith and send them out into the world to share that faith. 

Wesley Chapel Rockwood, PA


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